Zenda Healthcare

What Are the Implications of Legalising Medical Marijuana in Brisbane?

Legalisation of Marijuana means that the drug can now be used for medical and recreational purposes without violation of the law, unlike before the legislation was approved. Presently, the rules differ depending on the state because the application depends on the statutes of each state.

Legalising Marijuana has advantages and disadvantages depending on which angle the subject will be addressed. Medical Marijuana is a welcome addition to the availability of drugs on the market, it provides options for the medical practitioners

Regulatory Effect

Legalising Medical Marijuana in Gold Coast promotes safety, considering the statistics of unauthorised use of drug products in the state. The legalisation of the drug means that the supply will be available through legalised channels without violation and abuse of the product. Medical Marijuana will be controlled in terms of quality and frequency of use, a factor which promotes responsible consumption. 

Before Medical Marijuana was authorised in Gold Coast, the drug was supplied without control, leading to addiction and substance abuse by the population. With law enforcement, the drug will be subjected to a regulatory framework such as age restriction and distribution guidelines. Under the legislative protocols, medical Marijuana will be subjected to responsible consumption. 

Economic Impact

Legalising medical Marijuana will raise revenue for Brisbane Council and the Queensland government. More revenue will flow in through taxes and other levies associated with drug products. Legalising medical Marijuana will also create employment for the people of Gold Coast and the rest of the state. Once people are employed, more revenue will flow through individual taxation. 

Medical Cannabis is a global product. Legalising it will boost the tourism sector because consumers will visit from other countries. Besides the inflow of offshore tourists, people will visit Brisbane from other states to legally acquire medical Marijuana. Some states have not yet legalised the drug, meaning Queensland will benefit from the revenue. 

Meanwhile, Medical Cannabis is a drug that is used to treat conditions such as;  

    • Cancer

    • Epilepsy

    • Anxiety

    • Depression 

    • Chronic Pain

    • Arthritis 

    • Glaucoma

Is Medical Cannabis Subsidised in Brisbane?

Medical Marijuana is not affordable for most people in Brisbane. There is no government subsidy for individual treatment. Besides, the Queensland government does not regulate the pricing and supply of the drug. That makes medical Marijuana open to overpricing by suppliers of the product, taking advantage of the supply and demand factors. 

Those seeking to verify the regulations governing medical Marijuana in Brisbane are encouraged to use keywords such as ‘marijuana dispensary near me’ or ‘Cannabis Doctors near Me’. As a price comparison strategy, residents of the Gold Coast are also encouraged to Google search ‘cheapest Medical Cannabis Australia’ to identify affordable suppliers around them.  

Different medical marijuana products are available for clients. If the client visits a doctor, medical Marijuana can be covered under Medicare. The drug will be subject to rebates for clients under Medicare, making it affordable for most people. 

What Are the Risks of Legalising Marijuana in Gold Coast, Queensland?

Medical Marijuana may be used as a drug to cure conditions, but, like any other drug, there is a danger of overdose. The drug also has an unpredictable outcome if mixed with other drugs that the recipient will be prescribed.

 Medical Marijuana is subjected to dependency, specifically in Brisbane, where the population is high, which makes it challenging for addicted consumers to withdraw. With the availability of medical centres in the Gold Coast area, clients can seek medical advice if there is a possibility of addiction.   

It is also believed that even the cheapest medical Cannabis available in Australia can increase the risk of medical conditions such as heart attack and stroke. If used from an early age, medical Marijuana can affect your memory even after the intake has ceased. Long-term product consumption can lead to the development of other medical conditions.

Medical Marijuana is subject to abuse given that it is among the class of drugs that promote substance abuse and addiction among the population of Brisbane.  


Regulating medical Cannabis in Brisbane will facilitate safer products because the drug will be subjected to stringent tests and research to guarantee safety. Drugs that are regulated are usually safe from impurities or contaminants, which makes the drug unsafe for human consumption. 

Increased use of medical Cannabis may result in overdependency in Brisbane and surrounding areas. That will challenge the Queensland government because crime rates will grow among the population. 

Despite the negative aspect of the move to regulate the drug, medical Cannabis is a potent drug for pain management. Patients who are resistant to other pain medications will benefit from medical Marijuana, particularly for the Gold Coast population, where the drug is already available through local medical institutions. 

Also, legalising medical Cannabis in Brisbane is a positive gesture in terms of economic empowerment for the state. There will be employment opportunities in the drug’s packaging and processing sectors. Legalising the drug means that the supply will increase, which may result in the cheapest medical Cannabis available in Australia.